Online Learning
We are online!
Maraval R.C. School has been using G Suite for Education to facilitate online learning for the students of the school. We have been using Google Classroom as our online learning platform since September 2020.
All our students receive a school email address which is used to access their Google Classroom. This email address also facilitates contact with the school and teachers through the use of many other G Suite for Education applications such as:
Google Meet
Google Forms
Google Drive
Here are instructions and videos to help you navigate our online classroom.
Google Meet and Zoom can be used by teachers for their live classroom interactions and lessons. below you will find instructions on how to use these applications.
Google Classroom can be used on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet and cellphone.
On this page you will find Google Classroom instructions which can be printed and kept for easy referral when needed. I have also included Youtube videos to assist you in using Google classroom dependant on the device you will be using.